Katheryn Hoban is New Jersey resident, and a wonderful, thought provoking, storyteller, who speaks candidly on profound moments, of her past, at a time when she nearly took her own life by rolling off a building. She speaks on the extreme pain she had felt before almost ending her life, how most people will not know that you are on the verge of ending your life. Signs to look for in a distressed person and communication with a person that is in a desperate situation in their life.
She speaks on her own healing, and transformation that is required to lead a full life. Some of the life lessons, do not be afraid to live, and be exactly who you are, you have to make peace with all the parts of you, and accept yourself including your anger, grief, guilt, and physical body. You can hardly please anyone, so start with you. It’s okay to laugh and not be so serious. You may not know this now, but you are a future advocate for someone if you choose to live. Confront all the people who hurt you and confront all the people that you hurt.
Even if a person has passed, you can still forgive yourself, and energetically clear this bondage on your own person. You are lovable and not a mistake, She speaks on being gay, and feeling inside that she was a “boy” and in the wrong body and the huge impact, it had on her life. She speaks on healing from being molested by a relative and how very difficult it is to live and share your truth, even when relatives and friends may call you a liar. How you feel forever defined by a before version and after version of the startling and horrifying moments in your life, which alters your thoughts, and behavior from that moment on. It takes genuine courage to go against the grain, to stand up for what is right to help others, and she gives examples of courage in her own life to achieve some of her important dreams.
She shares examples of negotiating through toxic relationships, including spouses who do not want what you want, and do not think that an opportunity is a real one! How to stand up for yourself when a partner is attempting to cancel you by blocking your actions, dreams and moments of joy. Working through partnerships that can be emotional, toxic, and dysfunctional many times, but by working through them, you will live your best life.
She is an example that you can be successful after the age of fifty. She speaks on some of the biggest mistakes that she made, which created deep financial holes, and nearly ended her marriage, drastically impaired her credit, and delayed her years and years. And how owning mistakes, expressing vulnerability, and admitting your mistakes, stop blaming others, and cleaning up debt after these mistakes also led to her saving her marriage, allowed her to live with strength and confidence and move through major hurdles and obstacles without grudges and tenacity. Sometimes your mistakes cost you everything, and you can’t fix them, and you lose friendships and family relationships because of your mistake. Knowing that you can’t ever fix some actions, and learning how to forgive yourself, and learning to live through these losses.
Because of real experiences, she has been able to help others through financial disasters including a senior neighbor who was defrauded by a cunning scammer. How she was able to implement actual debt paying techniques to get the neighbor out from delinquency, when she could have lost her house.
She became a successful investor of multifamily properties after the age of fifty. She speaks on finding real magic and experiencing magical moments in her life.
She speaks on what she has learned as a savvy investor, by grabbing onto opportunities as they are presented, she debunks the idea that something better will come along, and coaches teams to understand when opportunities show up, it’s important to know that for all the right circumstances to line up for an opportunity to present itself, is a very precise moment of time and for all the correct elements to be in place, may never happen in the exact way ever again. So do not miss more opportunities because someone is attempting to talk you out of acting on something that is aligned for you, or because of your own fear.
She speaks on being an empathic property owner, and working through all the small to major rehab, the costs, the time frame required, how long refinance can actually take, and developing a deep level of commitment to the process, partnerships and quest to find solutions.
She reminds her audience not to give up, and no matter what happens to you, there is a lot of internal processing to heal yourself to be okay. You are worth the work, and the process will begin to make you feel better, and you create the best version of yourself. So don’t give up.
Katheryn debunks the myth, that is prevalently taught, that if something is meant to happen or is for you, it will come easily. If it’s meant to be, you still must work very hard through trials, and complete things. Has anyone ever attempted to refinance out of a short-term loan that has a maturity date looming in the immediate future? A refinance is meant to happen, but the lenders will make you jump through every sort of disclosure, and recheck, and resubmit for months before the refinance is completed.
Learning to be the leader, cheerleader, and team support when you are sensing the team is falling apart. Sometimes you have to let a team fall apart, and other times you have to keep it together to complete the biggest goals of your life.
Life can be very messy! But going through the mess and dirt, can offer a satisfying life. Offering the message that you can be a real inspiration to others by living and going through your own stuff.